Welcome to the AER Itinerant Personnel Division page!
Itinerant Personnel (Division 16)Welcome to the AER Itinerant Personnel Division page! You will learn more about our Mission, Leadership, Newsletters, and Resources here.
As the second largest AER division, we focus on the varied needs of teachers serving students, birth to graduation, who are blind or visually impaired on an itinerant basis in schools. It provides resources and evidence-based practices related to caseloads, organization, assessments, documentation, and other educational support useful to itinerant teachers of children who are visually impaired. How to Participate Volunteer to Help with:
Chair: Lisha Yochimowitz Lisha has been a TVI (teacher of the visually impaired) for over 25 years. She has worked in the classroom at Overbrook School for the Blind and spent 18 years working in early intervention. Lisha is currently an itinerant TVI at the MCIU working in multiple school districts. She has a master’s degree in Education from Gratz College. Lisha specializes in CVI, a brain based visual impairment with accredited training. She does consulting work and presentations throughout the world. You can also follow her on Instagram @brailleandcviteacher. Lisha is the content manager and writes for https://www.pathstoliteracy.org/ Chair-Elect: Emily Leeper Emily Leeper has 31 years of experience in the field of vision impairment, serving as both a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments and as an Orientation & Mobility Specialist. She has taught in a variety of educational settings, primarily as an itinerant teacher. Prior to joining TSBVI Outreach as an Educational Consultant, she served as lead teacher for North East ISD’s Visual Impairment Program in San Antonio, Texas.
Dr. Rosemary L. Nave Stawasz has twenty-one years of experience in the vision field with children, graduate students, and older adults. Rosey pursued her education at Western Michigan University, earning a B.S. in Special Education-Visual Impairment, an M.A. in Orientation & Mobility, and a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. She has served as an itinerant Teacher of the Visually Impaired and a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist across multiple states such as Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, and Arizona. Rosey lives in Chicago and works at Naperville Community Unit School District 203 as a TVI/COMS.
Stay tuned…our latest newsletter is in the works
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