Low Vision Rehabilitation Division (Division 7)

Welcome to the AER Low Vision Rehabilitation Division!

Here you will learn more about our Mission Statement, Newsletters and Resources.

Please click here to view the Low Vision History Timeline, which outlines the history of the field of low vision: 


The division provides growth and development opportunities for professionals serving in a wide continuum of low vision services. Members include teachers, rehabilitation specialists, low vision therapists, occupational therapists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, researchers, university personnel, administrators, and many others with various backgrounds.

A periodic newsletter provides valuable information on the latest publications, technology and devices, professional activities such as conferences and seminars, vital issues and news from the field. Members are encouraged to participate on Division committees such as Continuing Education, Professional Issues, Program for the International Conference, Awards, etc. The Low Vision Division has led the way in the arenas of certification, ethics guidelines, and in efforts for Medicare coverage for vision rehabilitation and was the first division to offer a certification exam. Certification is now handled by ACVREP. Division membership provides links with professionals from Switzerland to San Francisco — all striving for excellence in delivery of low vision services.


Winter 2018 Newsletter – PDF
Winter 2018 Newsletter – Word
Summer 2016 Newsletter – PDF
Summer 2016 Newsletter – Word
Summer 2015 Newsletter_PDF
Summer 2015 Newsletter_Word
Winter 2014 PDF Version
Winter 2014 Text Version
Spring 2014 PDF Version
Spring 2014 Text Version
Fall 2013 PDF Version
Fall 2013 Text Verson



Position Papers
Position Paper 1: Facilitating Visual Efficiency and Access to Learning for Students with Low Vision.
Position Paper 2: Supporting the Social and Emotional Needs of Students With Low Vision to Promote Academic and Social Success.
Position Paper 3: Literacy Media Decisions for Students with Visual Impairments
Position Paper 4: The Role and Training of Teachers of Students with Visual Impairment (TSVIs) as a Special Educator and Why TSVIs Do Not Provide Vision Therapy Services
Position Paper 5: Appropriate Prescribing Practices for Optical Device Use in Students with Low Vision

White Papers
White Paper 1: Facilitating Visual Efficiency, Successful Employment, and Quality of Life of Working-Age Adults with Low Vision
White Paper 2: The Needs of Older Persons with Low Vision: The Need to Respond

Individuals may become Certified Low Vision Therapists (CLVT) through the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP). Visit the ACVREP website’s CLVT section for information on eligibility and exams.

AER Low Vision Division Listserve
The AER Low Vision Division listserv, a member benefit, makes it easy for division members to connect, collaborate, interact, and learn by sharing a wealth of professional experience. Join the listserv.

Low Vision Bibliography
A free bibliography of more than 12,000 citations of low-vision literature is available at www.lvtr.info. Viewers may search by author, word in title, year of publication, and keyword. Thanks to Greg Goodrich and Aries Arditi for creating this useful site.